Our High Performance/Gifted and Talented education focus enables each child to achieve their full educational potential regardless of age...
Macdonald Valley PS has a high teacher to student ratio, which allows for personalised learning for each of our students. This not only provides additional support to our students who may need more intensive help, it also allows us to differentiate learning across our K-6 students to ensure that they can work above their stage expectations when appropriate.
At Macdonald Valley PS we have a high percentage of students who are working above their year level expectations in challenging and engaging tasks matched to their interests and abilities. Our Teaching Principal has qualifications in Gifted and Talented education and is passionate about supporting students to reach their full potential.
We currently offer explicit extension programs in literacy, numeracy, art and music. Our students also have access to resources and equipment to enhance their lunch time experiences, such as sport, construction, STEM, art and craft, music and chess.